Today - Triumph, a family owned business, remains the only major European in-house manufacturer in the branded intimate apparel business. We own and operate a considerable part of our production facilities in different countries around the world. This means that we have direct control over these production centres and can directly implement social compliance requirements that meet high social standards through our local and central management.
Triumph is a member of the Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) and implements BSCI requirements within our supply chain.
We continually work with all production facilities on improvements and further developments in order to ensure that we live up to our commitments and our best practice objectives.
Traditionally, responsibility towards our employees has been paramount for Triumph in our over 125 years of history. As expressed in our Company Mission, we consider our employees to be our greatest asset. Accordingly, Triumph has always ensured that its employees work in fair and safe working conditions.
The key principles and requirements that must be complied with in the factories are contained in the Triumph Code of Conduct and the Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) Code of Conduct. They are:
- Freedom of Association and the Right to Collective Bargaining
- Prohibition of Discrimination
- Compensation
- Working Hours
- Workplace Health and Safety
- Prohibition of Child Labour
- Prohibition of Forced and Compulsory Labour and Disciplinary Measures
- Environment and Safety Issues
- Management Systems
and are based on the International Labor Organization’s Core Conventions. Compliance with all local laws and regulations is also a firm requirement and a matter of standard practice.
Senior management of the factories is responsible to ensure compliance with our Codes at all levels. Triumph’s Global Management supports and monitors all efforts, as do the Corporate Social Responsibility and the Corporate Engineering and Safety Departments. A good management system both on local and central levels allows common understanding, control, analysis, system improvements, exchange and mutual learning. Through independent external audits, social compliance performance is examined regularly. Any non-compliance found is remedied immediately. It is our aim to be fully compliant in our factories at all times.
Triumph expects our third party suppliers of finished goods garments to fully comply with the same requirements that bind our own factories. Triumph has an internal policy that outlines exactly the process of approval concerning social compliance for new and existing suppliers. Our sourcing teams are trained accordingly; the entire process is centrally monitored and supported continuously.
All our finished goods garments suppliers have to go through independent external audits regularly in order to ensure that they meet the requirements outlined in our Codes of Conduct. Results are being analysed, and wherever non-compliance is found, it must be remedied within a certain period of time. Results are then examined by a follow-up audit. If the requirements are still not fulfilled, sufficient improvements cannot be seen or dialogue is not successful, we disengage from business with the respective supplier - something that is rarely necessary. New suppliers have to go through a complete approval process before we start working with them.